Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Ryan Gosling Cameo, Gloomy Run + Negative Splits Round 2

Good morning everyone! How was your weekend? Check out the moon up there. That photo was taken this morning at 5:56am before I started my run. So big and bright!

I ran on Saturday (7 miles), then headed to Victoria with my mom & her friend to shop around for a dress. I am attending my good friend's wedding this weekend, and suddenly realized umm... I might need something to wear! I ended up finding a dress and shoes almost right away, so we grabbed lunch and coffees for the ride home before traffic hit. As well, Sunday was a relaxing day spent out on the lake. There is nothing better than lounging on the boat in the sunshine! If you got too hot, simply jump into the water and cool down instantly. We arrived at about 10AM and ended up getting home at 8:30PM. It was a long day, but it was so beautiful and SO WORTH IT (capitals are necessary) to be out there on the water. When I was a kid I would constantly be swimming in the pool until the wee hours of the morning. My parents called me a fish, and that is fitting because I am a Pisces! I come by it honestly ;)

This morning I woke up early feeling rested and refreshed. A good night's sleep is what I needed after a busy weekend. Does anyone else feel extra tired after spending a day out in the sun? I laced up and went for a 5KM loop. Two weeks ago I was 43 seconds off of a sub-25 5KM. I started off this run thinking, "Well, if it happens, it happens. If not, I will keep pluggin' away at it." However, it was a gloomy but warm morning, my body felt good, and overall it was just perfect conditions to push the pace. And so I did. And I am ecstatic.

Boom, negative splits again.

Thank you, thank you.

Here is the route I completed. I kept running along a straight stretch to get the .100 in, then cooled down by walking back home (a whole two or so minutes).

Then, I put some oats on the stove and showered while they were cookin' away!

In the mix: 1/2 cup oats, 1/4 cup Barley flakes (Barley oats?), water, 2 tbsp chia seeds, 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds, 1 tbsp dried cranberries & shredded coconut, small banana and a small handful of freshly picked blackberries. Mmm, so good! Such a good way to start the day, too.

Anway, I am off! I hope you guys have a fantabulous day. Bye for now!

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