Friday, September 30, 2016

Five Things Friday: MORE Skincare + Fitness

Good morning!

Friday is here, it's a great morning, I've got my coffee, and I'm ready to conquer the day.

Before that, though, let's get into my 5 favourite things from the week! As always, let me know what you have been loving this week.

I mentioned in Monday's post that I have been trying out a Fit Bit the last few days. It is a great way to keep me mindful of how much I move during the day. It has been interesting to see during the work day how much I move, as that changes quite a bit more as opposed to the weekend. During my days off I am almost always doing a long run, which can accumulate steps quickly, or at least moving around the yard a lot more and running errands. It is so easy to just hunker down at my desk at work and not move, so checking the app helps me move more.

On Monday morning I also made some homemade chicken soup leftover from our roasted chicken dinner. I remember my mom making homemade turkey soup every Thanksgiving, and since we had some chicken left over, I wanted to try my hand at a homemade chicken soup. Yep, it passes the test! There is something so comforting about chicken soup during the fall, and it makes a perfect dinner on a chilly night. Can you tell I am obsessed with fall?

So this is technically two favourites but in one picture. I have picked up my usual protein powder again after being on a hiatus for quite a long time. It is just nice to have after a work out when I am feeling particularly hangry, and it is yummy mixed into oatmeal. That being said, I have found a new coffee sweetener that I am loving. Yes, it is probably not the healthiest, but it is so good. 

Oh yes, the sheet mask love continues. This time, I find some that go under the eyes. I tried a few from Sephora - which don't get me wrong, are great - but I'd rather pay $6 for a pack of five treatments rather than $6 for a single use. They are a great way to reduce dark circles (which for some reason have just popped on up on my face which is ANNOYING), wrinkles, and add some extra vitamins and minerals to your skin. So, yeah. Throw on your under eye masks, have some peppermint tea and hang out. Your eyes will thank you.


What have YOU guys been loving this week!?

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