Sunday, December 22, 2013

Gumboots Galore & 700 Miles

Last weekend at Costco I stumbled across these beauties. Naturally, I had to get them (and wear them around the mall). My sister got a pair too with a bird design on them, and fortunately we are (basically) the same shoe size and we can swap them back and forth. Two more to add to the gumboot collection!

Runners and gumboots: the only two styles of shoes I need in my wardrobe. If I could wear thrift store flannels and gumboots all day I totally would. Unfortunately that is not the case, because running would be a wee bit difficult!

Oreo, the true gift of Christmas. She was just thrilled as I'm sure you can imagine.

And we got snow again!!! I am sad to say, however, that the rain has washed it all away :( It was pretty while it lasted.

Puppy snuggles after a 10km run yesterday, early evening. 

I'm sad to say it's almost time to retire these babies! This week I ran 31 miles, and while I could be switching over to my Mizuno Wave Sayonara shoes every so often, I keep gravitating to my Brooks because they are a stability shoe and offer more cushioning. I'm just not "used" to my Sayonaras (yet)! Since I purchased these runners, I have logged nearly SEVEN HUNDRED miles on them, give or take. Holy cow. I didn't even know that until I calculated that a few minutes ago. I've used my Sayonara runners maybe four times this year, but that's still a lot of miles on the Brooks. The weird thing is that they don't feel like they're losing a lot of cushion. Now I say a lot because obviously they aren't as springy as they used to be, but they aren't terrible. Yet. Now I know it's time to start using the other ones! Note: Running shoes should be replaced every 300-500 miles. Just a tad bit over that.

On another note, run every day in December is still going well! I'm on track for 130 miles this month, but I am hoping to fall between 125-130 as most of my running has been pretty easy this month. By easy I mean, no running-myself-into-the-ground workouts because I know I can't take a rest day after. Or rather, I don't want to because I'd like to see this challenge through to the end.

Anywho, I hope you guys had a good weekend and are all ready for the holidays! I did my wrapping today, so presents are under the tree waiting to be opened. I have two more days of work left before a little Christmas break, and I am excited to see family (and sleep in, of course). Bye for now!

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