Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Breakfast Comeback & Chillin' Like a Villain

Oatmeal made a comeback this morning! Lately I have been trying to expand my breakfast horizons. Pancakes were popping up on the blog for a while, and green smoothies were thrown in there as well. However, sometimes you just need a warm bowl of oatmeal and coffee to start off your morning.

In the mix:
Large flake oats with oat bran, flax seeds & wheat bran (*I buy the Rogers oats that have this all mixed together in the package)
2 tbsp. hemp seeds, ~1 tbsp. chia seeds (I just shook them out of the bag, lol)
A shake of cinnamon, splash of vanilla
Splash of chocolate almond milk (unsweetened) near the end of cooking
Aaand a scoop of peanut butter.
And a banana.

In the Tigger mug: coffee with chocolate almond milk. If you haven't tried this, you are missing out in life.

Does anyone else just like to lay around after they finish a long run? I mean, I've been getting better about stretching and foam rolling. I used to do it like it was my religion, but I have since let it fall by the wayside. Yes, I know that's not good, but it is good that I am getting back to it. Yesterday was supposed to be my long run day, but I hit snooze one too many times, woke up late, and had to get my butt in gear for work. Then, I went into Nanaimo with my dad & sister, to the mall, out for dinner, and it was bed time by the time we got home. Excuses? Sure, but it certainly helped me realize that no matter when I do it, a long run still has to happen this week if I want to be ready for my upcoming half marathon. So, nine miles is happening today (six already happened this morning, three after work since I wasn't willing to wake up before 6AM today). Then, I will start chillin' like a villain, probably wearing my awesome knee high compression socks (hidden by pink sweatpants). Sometimes being this sexy is a tough, tough job.

Happy Thursday, everyone! Hope you have a fun, sweaty, awesome, fantastic, fabulous, super, stellar, totally wonderful day :)

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