Thursday, March 15, 2012


Hi everyone, and welcome to my fitness blog! I blog over at HLDFashion, and I wanted to create an extension for my love of health & fitness. Here is my story: I haven't always loved exercising and eating right. In fact, it was a huge struggle for me up until about grade 11. Every girl battles with body image and dieting, and I am no exception! However, one day I was tired of sitting around doing nothing, or snacking because I was bored. I started to research more about fitness and the benefits of getting my body moving. Then, I worked on what I ate. It wasn't a 360 degree turn around - no, it was harder than that. I worked my butt off to lose the weight I had gained over the years. Sure, it didn't take me ten years to lose it, but you have to put the work in if you want results! Now, I am trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and I wanted to share my journey with all of you.

Some Things to Know About ME!

- I love running. I am training for my first 1/2 Marathon on May 6th!
- I also love candy. It is more of a treat for me, and fruit gummies are my favourite. Too bad they didn't have all the vitamin/nutrient goodness like real fruits!
- I am a fashion marketing/merchandising student at VCC in Vancouver.
- I am a huge veggie fiend!

Now let's get into the "good stuff."

Work Out of the Day:

It's crazy how much the treadmill (or the dreadmill, as some people call it) slows you down. I've read a lot of things about treadmill running vs. the great outdoors. Truthfully, I don't mind the treadmill at all. However, I do notice that I am a lot faster outside! Last night I joined the Lululemon Run Club for a 3 mile jaunt, and my average pace was 7:06/mile. Yep, just a little faster than a 3 miler on the treadmill!

Following my run, I showered and got lunch ready:

I had a veggie burger on a toasted whole wheat english muffin (with a light laughing cow wedge spread on both sides & spinach), some roasted veggies (carrots, zucchini, kale, and red pepper) and strawberries. It was delicious & filling!

Now I'm off to get ready for the day. I have some errands to run (not literally. My quads might need more foam rolling) before school tonight at 6:30. Happy Thursday!

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