Friday, March 23, 2012

Good Habits, Vitamin D & a Side of Abs

A pot full of oats & fresh fruit! I don't know if it's the sunshine outside or the amount of fresh fruit I had in my breakfast, but I'm in a stellar mood! I snacked on a small orange while getting my morning litre of water (seriously, it's a habit now). Then, I made a big bowl of oats by combining the following:

1/2 cup rolled oats (I use the Rogers brand)
1 large chopped strawberry, then topped with another large strawberry.
1/2 medium banana, sliced. I topped the oatmeal with the other half once it was finished cooking.
1 tbsp. sunflower seeds
1 tbsp. chia seeds
1 tbsp. ground flax seeds
2 tbsp. raisins
Splash of vanilla

I cooked the oats on the stove with water, then added in almond milk once it was starting to thicken up. Then, I topped it with a small scoop of natural PB. The almond milk & PB I use are below:


My favourite add-ins for oatmeal that really make a difference. The creaminess of the almond milk + delicious peanut butter (I prefer the natural varieties) have me hooked! I refuse to have my oatmeal without them nowadays, unless I absolutely have to (and then I cry.. Not really).

The finished product! I needed a bigger breakfast this morning since I am going for a longer run this afternoon. I really want to get out and enjoy that sunshine before it disappears! I enjoyed my oatmeal with a up of mocha java coffee. My mom purchased this coffee for Brandon and me while we were on the island last weekend. It is a nice balance between nutty & chocolate flavour without the artificial sweetened taste that I hate so much! I added almond milk to it and some brown sugar... I love healthy eating and all, but I can't seem to take the sugar outta my coffee. Oh well. You win some, you lose some.

While breakfast was cooking, I wanted to take some pictures of the workout set up we have going on in our apartment. Our apartment is a fairly decent size. I mean, there's only two of us here, so we have room. Brandon arranged our equipment so it is all in one place. Easy to find, easy to clean up, and it's so simple for me to just pull out the treadmill and get started on my workout. 

Speaking of workouts, I did some quick ab work while I let my oatmeal cook on low. Note: I forgot to add a 1 minute plank to this core session before I made the screen shot. I used to do planks so often (at one point my goal was to hold it for 5 minutes... Yeah, that didn't happen)! I am trying to incorporate them more.

They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit. At least working out is a GOOD habit, especially when it's something like your core which you use every day!

Some benefits of working your core:
- Reduces your risk of injury
- Strengthens your lower back
- Improves posture
- Increases balance
- A stable centre of gravity
- For those who lift weights (think squats, clean & press), a strong core will help you lift bigger and heavier.

Have a great day everyone! I'm off to soak up some Vitamin D and get my run on.

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