Friday, September 23, 2016

5 Things Friday - Skincare & Moving Forward

Good morning, and welcome to another edition of 5 Things Friday!

I will keep this short and sweet and get right to the point. As always, let me know in the comments what you are loving this week.

Since fall is OFFICIALLY here, I can put pumpkin spice on everything and watch Halloween movies early. This also means that come November I can start watching Christmas movies, which is really what I am excited for. Any other fall lovers out there!?

So, I have been struggling with work outs this week. The last time I went to the gym was Monday - and what a productive day that was! - but since then I have found it so incredibly hard to roll out of bed early in the morning to hit the gym. On the same note, Nala's puppy classes started on Wednesday, so our evenings were full after the work day was done. This quote is a favourite of mine this week because it gives me a reminder that it is up to ME to change this. I am the only one who can drag myself out of bed and get to the gym. I am the only one who can make myself go to the gym after the work day and get it done. I am the only one who will force me out of bed on a Sunday to do my long run. Life is all about choices, and from today on I choose to look ahead move forward positively.

Yep, still on that Harry Potter train.

I have been experimenting with adding a few extras into my skincare routine. Coconut oil and manuka honey are oldies but goodies, meaning they are old favourites that I love but have just started incorporating in my regime again. I will do a post on these separately in the future since there is so much to cover off when it comes to their benefits. Basically - there's a ton and you should use them!


What are you loving this week? Any home remedy skincare tricks I should test out?

Happy Friday!

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