Monday, July 4, 2016

Hiking Adventures + Weekend Recap

Good morning, friends!

I hope you all had an excellent long weekend. Although I didn't have three days off in a row (worked on Saturday, though was off on Friday), I still enjoyed having the extra day to visit with family. Later Friday afternoon Ryan and I headed to my parent's camp site and hung out with some family that came to visit as well. It is always so much fun when we all get together, and the visit was well overdue!

Saturday I was back to work for the day, and after work I jumped on the treadmill for my long run. I had 11km on deck, and though it took me longer than anticipated to complete it, I got it done and came back inside to a delicious dinner Ryan made for us. Chicken, greek salad & steamed veggies. It was excellent post-run fuel, and he made some "ice cream" for dessert - frozen blueberries blended up with some banana until it was thick. If you haven't tried this nice cream (get it? because it's nicer/better for you than ice cream), I highly suggest you give it a try!

So, once Sunday came around, I slept in and rolled out of bed at about 9am. I puttered around the house, wrote a blog post to go up next week (all about which supplements I take & why), made my usual blueberry oats & drank two cups of coffee. When Ryan and I were ready to go out and about, we headed towards Ladysmith and decided to hike around the Holland Creek trail.

The hike had some steep climbs and rolling hills, and quite a few stairs! As we were walking along you could hear the creek below, and we knew we were getting closer to the waterfall. At least, I thought we were, but then another five minutes would pass, ten minutes...

View of the creek below. I was standing on the edge & we were a fair ways up!

Then about half an hour (give our take) into the hike we found it! Voila. 

We ended up walking along a path that lead down to the creek. There was a trail on the other side leading to the next loop, so we climbed over the rocks and crossed the creek. Apparently there's a few trails that intersect in this area, so we didn't want to keep walking and walking - we were on a bit of a time crunch, so we opted to jump the creek and head back on the opposite trail.

Overall the hike took us about an hour and fifteen minutes. I must say, my legs are sore now after yesterday's long run and today's adventure! On my training plan it called for a 30 minute easy run, but I think the hike replaced the run.

I hope you all have an excellent day! I am off to the passport office to get things rollin'. Yahoo, vacation planning! While I am there I may do a bit of shopping; we shall see. The hotter it gets, the more I realize I have ZERO summer clothes. Problems, right?

Chat with ya on Wednesday!

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