Friday, June 24, 2016

5 Favourite Things Friday

Happy Friday, friends!

I am taking this post in a different direction and sharing five things that I have been loving this last week slash two weeks. If you are into the whole favourites posts, let me know in a comment below and I will try to keep them rolling! For those who missed my May Favourites, you can read all about 'em here.

Without further wait, here are five favourites for this fine Friday! Holy F ; )

I tried this aloe vera drink Monday morning after hot yoga. and it was delicious. The watermelon intrigued me (who doesn't love watermelon?), and since it had been a few years since I last tried aloe water, I thought I would give it another go. If you have this in a grocery store near you, I highly recommend trying it! It is sweet, and I couldn't help but think it would make delicious popsicles or ice cubes, too!

Fresh flowers in the house always makes me happy. There is something about waking up to a clean home and a little bouquet of flowers on the table that instantly boosts my mood. I have been getting in the habit of tidying up our space before bed, too, which is also something I am loving! However, when it comes to flowers, I am not picky at all. I picked these carnations up at the local grocery store for about $3 I believe - can't go wrong there!

I have always wanted a big mirror in the dining room, and my trusty handy man delivered! It makes the space feel so much more cozy, and the mirror helps open up the space and add more light. The next project is a headboard, and after that a longer table to put underneath some pictures we have hanging up on the living room wall. Exciting! That being said, I do have to give Ryan the credit since I really only help him stain, paint, or hammer things in. I don't trust myself doing all the cutting and operating power tools (within reason).

Ahhh yes, book favourites! I am LOVING Harry Potter. I just finished the third book, and I have yet to start number four. Yes, I am finding myself making Harry Potter references. I even went as far as calling my mom Moaning Myrtle the other day and thought it was the funniest thing ever. Crazy, right?

These babies! I purchased them after the Goddess Run 2016 and have been loving them since. They feel like running on clouds. Well, supportive clouds, anyway. I used to be a Mizuno gal through and through when I first started running, but now I am definitely enjoying the Asics brand.

What are YOU loving this Friday? Anything I should try out? Talk to you soon! : )

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