Monday, May 30, 2016

Sunday Recap + Monday Runday

Happy Monday!

Isn't that ocean view gorgeous? Yesterday my brownie group and 1400+ other girls and leaders attended an event in Langley called Rally in the Valley. The girls had so much fun trading crests and badges, and they loved the ferry ride, especially since we saw two orcas on the route towards Vancouver.

It was an early morning, almost too early for a Sunday. Needless to say, lots of coffee was consumed even before 10AM. By the time I got back to my house it was 9PM, and I pretty much crashed as soon as I hit the pillow. Fortunately Sunday was a rest day work out wise, even though the whole day was pretty much spent on my feet. All in all it was a good, busy day!

Ah, and now Monday morning.

Monday is my Sunday, and so I slept in until 8AM, then got up and drank my coffee and read some Harry Potter outside on the deck.

Note: my bookmark is a paint swatch made into a bookmark by one of my Brownies from Valentine's Day. So cute.

My coffee concoction of the day: French press coffee, unsweetened almond milk & sugar free white chocolate syrup. Dangerously good.

I am loving this patio weather so I can continue to sit out on the deck as much as possible!

After coffee and reading, I had some running on my training plan to get to!

The workout was a ten minute warm up, followed by 3km at a faster pace, and then a ten minute cool down. Today was such a beautiful day to be outside for a run!

Dat sky and dem mountains! ; ) So beautiful. It was warm too, but not unbearable out there. This week is supposed to be nice and hot again!

At the far end of the bridge there is a steep hill that kills the legs!

For today's run, I covered 4 miles or 6.43km in about 38 minutes. The route I took had quite a few rolling hills, and I ended with a hill too. I am hoping throwing some hill work in will overall help me become faster!

So, there is my quick check in for this Monday! Things are pretty quiet around here. Laundry is done, grocery shopping is done, a few lunches are prepped for the week. Not much more to see here!

Stay tuned for my May favourites & an easy dinner recipe on Wednesday. Until next time! : )

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