Thursday, April 5, 2012

Distractions, Shaking it Out & All Those Things

Wow, it seriously took me so long to get this post up and going. Why? I was distracted by America's Funniest Home Videos. I was literally crying with laughter during the whole 15 minutes I was watching. It seems like such an old show now when you look at the filming and their clothes. Dead giveways! Anyway, it's hilarious & I need to watch that more often when I'm feeling a little low on laughter (which isn't a lot, but laughing cures all ails!)

And you know what else can cure all? RUNNING! Oh, I bet you didn't see that one coming.

I had a 9AM shift this morning, which meant I couldn't be outside running all morning in the clear weather. I did, however, have a nice easy 3 miles in the comfort of my own home. After my sunny seven miler yesterday my legs were feeling a little stiff. I have this thing about sprinting about half way up the hilly side of the trail & then running down, and then running up again (hello, hill training), and apparently my quads were a little angry about that, even after foam rolling and stretching (which definitely helped, I will say). Anyway, I got my run on this morning and everything was great and wonderful in the world. And then I went to work, and then I came home to the latest issues of LouLou magazine and Runner's World patiently awaiting in the mailbox. YAY! Highlight of my day right there (I'm a simple girl, as you can tell).

What's something you always tell yourself to do, or something you really want to do, but keep putting it on the back burner? Do it now! Whether it's upping your veggies, losing those last stubborn ten pounds, volunteering more or finally leaving that job you hate, don't waste your time wondering what your life would be like if things were different. The key to your own happiness is within you, and nothing would make you feel better than checking another item off your to-do list. "There are only so many tomorrows."

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