Monday, April 30, 2012

Anxiety Girl, Monday Run & The Countdown is ON!

I am going to avoid turning into anxiety girl this week. Why? Being positive will definitely help me since the half marathon is coming up! I go through periods where I'll think about 13.1 miles and be like, OMG NO WAY WHAT IS HAPPENING. And then other times I think, No, you know what? I've got this! Positivity is KEY no matter what you do, and I know that it will help me get my butt over the finish line!

BMO Vancouver Half Marathon: 5 days

My workout was super simple today. Tomorrow I will cut back to a three miler, nice and slow, and then I'm taking Wednesday off since I have an earlier work shift + class in the evening. I also don't want to be running the half on tired legs, so rest & recovery is in order towards Thursday. Does this sound like a weather broadcast or what? If you look North you'll notice that carb loading will be starting to happen, and it will be spreading into the West...

Now that I have a better picture of the course (and elevation - that helps!), I am feeling very positive about it. There's nothin' like starting on a downhill! However, I don't want to start out too fast and then hit the wall before I even reach the finish line. I will be bringing two energy gels along with me as well. I have never used them in a race, but I have used them four times during my training runs & it will definitely help to have some fuel in me while I'm running. You do NOT want to be running on empty if you'll be burning over 1,000 calories!

I am so excited. I could talk about this all day long. Expect more half excitement posts (and maybe I'll sign up for another one after this weekend)...!

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